
U.S. Border Surveillance Towers Have Always Been Broken
EFF to Third Circuit: TikTok Has Section 230 Immunity for Video Recommendations
A Flourishing Internet Depends on Competition
California Attorney General Issues New Guidance on Military Equipment to Law Enforcement
Prosecutors in Washington State Warn Police: Don’t Use Gen AI to Write Reports
Preemption Playbook: Big Tech’s Blueprint Comes Straight from Big Tobacco
Courts Agree That No One Should Have a Monopoly Over the Law. Congress Shouldn’t Change That
EFF and IFPTE Local 20 Attain Labor Contract
Civil Rights Commission Pans Face Recognition Technology
New EFF Report Provides Guidance to Ensure Human Rights are Protected Amid Government Use of AI in Latin America
EFF to New York: Age Verification Threatens Everyone's Speech and Privacy
Should I Use My State’s Digital Driver’s License?
Podcast Episode Rerelease: So You Think You’re A Critical Thinker
New IPANDETEC Report Shows Panama’s ISPs Still Lag in Protecting User Data
Election Security: When to Worry, When to Not
A Sale of 23andMe’s Data Would Be Bad for Privacy. Here’s What Customers Can Do.
Salt Typhoon Hack Shows There's No Security Backdoor That's Only For The "Good Guys"
FTC Findings on Commercial Surveillance Can Lead to Better Alternatives
The X Corp. Shutdown in Brazil: What We Can Learn
Germany Rushes to Expand Biometric Surveillance
EFF to Fifth Circuit: Age Verification Laws Will Hurt More Than They Help
Digital Inclusion Week, Highlighting CCTV Cambridge's Digital Equity Work
Join the Movement for Public Broadband in PDX
Vote for EFF’s 'How to Fix the Internet’ Podcast in the Signal Awards!
Digital ID Isn't for Everybody, and That's Okay | EFFector 36.13