Answer by Chris Petersn for HTML Marquee - Wrap text to fill browser window
I used markup:
<div id="scroll">
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left" scrollamount="50">
<p>Here is some scrolling text... right to left!</p>
<p>Here is some scrolling text... right to left!</p>
<p>Here is some scrolling text... right to left!</p>
<p>Here is some scrolling text... right to left!</p>
<p>Here is some scrolling text... right to left!</p>
<p>Here is some scrolling text... right to left!</p>
<p>Here is some scrolling text... right to left!</p>
<p>Here is some scrolling text... right to left!</p>
<p>Here is some scrolling text... right to left!</p>
Wednesday 10th October 2018 9:59 pm