
California Attorney General Issues New Guidance on Military Equipment to Law Enforcement
Prosecutors in Washington State Warn Police: Don’t Use Gen AI to Write Reports
Preemption Playbook: Big Tech’s Blueprint Comes Straight from Big Tobacco
Courts Agree That No One Should Have a Monopoly Over the Law. Congress Shouldn’t Change That
EFF and IFPTE Local 20 Attain Labor Contract
Civil Rights Commission Pans Face Recognition Technology
New EFF Report Provides Guidance to Ensure Human Rights are Protected Amid Government Use of AI in Latin America
EFF to New York: Age Verification Threatens Everyone's Speech and Privacy
Should I Use My State’s Digital Driver’s License?
Podcast Episode Rerelease: So You Think You’re A Critical Thinker
New IPANDETEC Report Shows Panama’s ISPs Still Lag in Protecting User Data
Election Security: When to Worry, When to Not
A Sale of 23andMe’s Data Would Be Bad for Privacy. Here’s What Customers Can Do.
Salt Typhoon Hack Shows There's No Security Backdoor That's Only For The "Good Guys"
FTC Findings on Commercial Surveillance Can Lead to Better Alternatives
The X Corp. Shutdown in Brazil: What We Can Learn
Germany Rushes to Expand Biometric Surveillance
EFF to Fifth Circuit: Age Verification Laws Will Hurt More Than They Help
Digital Inclusion Week, Highlighting CCTV Cambridge's Digital Equity Work
Join the Movement for Public Broadband in PDX
Vote for EFF’s 'How to Fix the Internet’ Podcast in the Signal Awards!
Digital ID Isn't for Everybody, and That's Okay | EFFector 36.13
How to Stop Advertisers From Tracking Your Teen Across the Internet
EFF Awards Night: Celebrating Digital Rights Founders Advancing Free Speech and Access to Information Around the World
New Email Scam Includes Pictures of Your House. Don’t Fall For It.
FTC Report Confirms: Commercial Surveillance is Out of Control
The UN General Assembly and the Fight Against the Cybercrime Treaty
Digital ID Isn't for Everybody, and That's Okay
Los llamamientos para suprimir la Ley de Ciberdelincuencia de Jordania se hacen eco de los llamamientos para rechazar el Tratado sobre Ciberdelincuencia
Patient Rights and Consumer Groups Join EFF In Opposing Two Extreme Patent Bills
EFF to Federal Trial Court: Section 230’s Little-Known Third Immunity for User-Empowerment Tools Covers Unfollow Everything 2.0
EFF to Supreme Court: Strike Down Texas’ Unconstitutional Age Verification Law
Prison Banned Books Week: Being in Jail Shouldn’t Mean Having Nothing to Read
Square Peg, Meet Round Hole: Previously Classified TikTok Briefing Shows Error of Ban
Strong End-to-End Encryption Comes to Discord Calls
Canada’s Leaders Must Reject Overbroad Age Verification Bill
Las demandas de derechos humanos contra Cisco pueden avanzar (otra vez)
Senate Vote Could Give Helping Hand To Patent Trolls
Desvelando la represión en Venezuela: Un legado de vigilancia y control estatal
The New U.S. House Version of KOSA Doesn’t Fix Its Biggest Problems
KOSA’s Online Censorship Threatens Abortion Access
Unveiling Venezuela’s Repression: Surveillance and Censorship Following July’s Presidential Election
The Climate Has a Posse – And So Does Political Satire
NextNav’s Callous Land-Grab to Privatize 900 MHz
We Called on the Oversight Board to Stop Censoring “From the River to the Sea” — And They Listened
Stopping the Harms of Automated Decision Making | EFFector 36.12
Britain Must Call for Release of British-Egyptian Activist and Coder Alaa Abd El Fattah
School Monitoring Software Sacrifices Student Privacy for Unproven Promises of Safety
You Really Do Have Some Expectation of Privacy in Public
EFF & 140 Other Organizations Call for an End to AI Use in Immigration Decisions
